its not even her weight gain thats a turn off, its her face.
...and her personality
its not even her weight gain thats a turn off, its her face.
She's average fat on all the above photos, but she was skinny when she first started:
I photographed a new face today with lindsey wixson lips, less poppy eyes though, she was STUNNING!
Recent picture of her...
She reminds me of a puffer fish, except the puffer fish looks way cuter.
You know, I've always wondered if any of the VIPs are models we discuss. It kind of makes me feel bad for any mean comments I make, but it doesn't make me feel bad enough to stop.i hope she doesn't find this thread
I just saw this ed today, she looks so... different? You could almost pass her off for another model (except for the shot with her mouth open)