just watched this weeks episode with the two guys. The scariest bit though was when Dr Christian was in the hospital in America and all the peoplt there knew their health problems were caused by obesity, but they were just carrying on anyway. Even the obese guy only in his thirties and had been told he had just a few years to live if he carried on the way he was, didn't appear to be doing much about it. They all seemed to blame it on fast food and the convenience of it, but they are the ones that choose to put it in their mouths, no one is forcing them to order from their local burger joint!!
I saw it and I thought that it's one of the rare eps where the supersizer was actually the nice one and the superskinny was a whiney little princess. Supersizer really did try and didn't bitch about the food in front of superskinny and seemed like a really sweet person overall and I was happy that she lost 2 stone in the end. Most of the supersizers end up crying about too little food etc. but she held it up really well.Has anyone seen the last episode, with the super sizer medical student? In my uni there is like one or two medic students in each year that are the same size as that medical student. They should all go in as a group on the show and swap diets. No doctor to be should ever be that size!
I liked that episode though as she had a huge weekness for cheese, which has kind of put me off cheese, not completely though but still every time I want to eat some I'm now going to picture all that milk and lard going into cheese making, ugh!
I saw it and I thought that it's one of the rare eps where the supersizer was actually the nice one and the superskinny was a whiney little princess. Supersizer really did try and didn't bitch about the food in front of superskinny and seemed like a really sweet person overall and I was happy that she lost 2 stone in the end. Most of the supersizers end up crying about too little food etc. but she held it up really well.
Superskinny on the other hand...seems to put herself on some kind of high ground over supersizer and was always so bitchy and condescending about supersizer's choice of food. I wasn't surprised that she didn't change, she seems like the "I'm ALWAYS right!" kind and so didn't want to follow the meal plan (anyone see the clip of her nagging her husband/father - I'm not sure who that older gentleman is - about his fondness for cheese). She was pretty in her youth but looks very dried up and pruney now.
Yeah, this is one of the really rare times I sympathize with supersize and dislike the superskinny.
Thank you!
Is it just me or has Dr. Christian gotten more handsome?
YES HE HAS what's everyone's most inspiring part of supersize v. Superskinny? Not to be like the supers or admiring the skinnies?? Do most of the skinnies smoke too? Just how it seems to me.. Anybody tried smoking to keep weight down? Does it work?? 5'8" CW is currently 128 GW 110 help please!!