New series of supersize vs superskinny!

Have you guys ever noticed that they always tell us the BMi of the supersize but usually not the BMI of the superskinny? And they always say how many calories the supersize eats but not always the calories the superskinny eats each day, sometimes they just say how much they are undereating each day? They always go into a lot more number-specifics with the supersize.

The superskinnies aren't exactly thinspo, but I don't think they should be. They aren't happy with their own bodies for the most part and I don't like having someone who has disordered eating or hates their own bodies be my thinspo. I like hearing about what they eat and how most of them don't seem to have time for food or don't get hungry as that just confirms what I already thought about superskinnies. I like the talks about obesity and stuff, it makes me so nauseous it has even more of an impact.

Also I was glad they got rid of the food tube but then they set pounds of food on fire or wastes it in other ways :facebalm:. But I can't help but forgive Dr. Christian, the sexy gay beast.
The superskinnies aren't exactly thinspo, but I don't think they should be. They aren't happy with their own bodies for the most part and I don't like having someone who has disordered eating or hates their own bodies be my thinspo. I like hearing about what they eat and how most of them don't seem to have time for food or don't get hungry as that just confirms what I already thought about superskinnies. I like the talks about obesity and stuff, it makes me so nauseous it has even more of an impact.

Also I was glad they got rid of the food tube but then they set pounds of food on fire or wastes it in other ways :facebalm:. But I can't help but forgive Dr. Christian, the sexy gay beast.

This. It doesn't matter whether they're thinspo or not. They're eating habits are foul. I'm sorry but I'd rather have some nutrition in (I'm by no means a total healthy eater but still). I don't care if the person has a BMI of 14 or less and still drinks 2 litres of cola. I'd still like to have perfect teeth and have my insides to be relatively clean. The skinnies all have bad skin and hair, I don't care if they're not that thin. I'd rather do it the hard way if it means I get to have nice hair and skin. I still like the whole analysis of the food thing. The episode about cheese has changed my relationship to cheese completely. So I guess I should thank Dr. Christian for that :)
This. It doesn't matter whether they're thinspo or not. They're eating habits are foul. I'm sorry but I'd rather have some nutrition in (I'm by no means a total healthy eater but still). I don't care if the person has a BMI of 14 or less and still drinks 2 litres of cola. I'd still like to have perfect teeth and have my insides to be relatively clean. The skinnies all have bad skin and hair, I don't care if they're not that thin. I'd rather do it the hard way if it means I get to have nice hair and skin. I still like the whole analysis of the food thing. The episode about cheese has changed my relationship to cheese completely. So I guess I should thank Dr. Christian for that :)

That episode about cheese hurt my soul. I watched it a couple nights ago and can't look at cheese anymore...and that girl just taking chunks out of that block :superpuke:

Learning about soda was hard too, but i figure as long as I don't drink 6 bottles a day, it shouldn't be that bad. Mostly because I can't let go of my diet coke addiction yet.

Also I was glad they got rid of the food tube but then they set pounds of food on fire or wastes it in other ways :facebalm:.


It's like moisturizer, for your face.
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Could somebody post youtube links to their particular favourite episodes? I've been slowly rewatching the entirety of the series but it seems to me the skinnies eat lots, and junk :/ are there episodes with inspiring skinnies?
The skinnies all have bad skin and hair, I don't care if they're not that thin. I'd rather do it the hard way if it means I get to have nice hair and skin.

This! So many of them look like pre-pubescent teens in serious need of face wash and a tooth brush. :eek: I know that over-restricting isn't necessarily beneficial to one's health, but when you do eat something, at least make sure that it's a vegetable or piece of fruit! They all need serious health interventions on that show (which is why they're there in the first place I suppose).


It's like moisturizer, for your face.


The newest thing for anti-wrinkle savvy ladies:
Facebalm: A facepalm after you have moisturized your hands!
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Super glad he showed us what goes into ice cream i. Yesterdays's episode. Although I've been off ice cream lately I'm worried I might crave this once water weather hits, hopefully il keep this every time I think of ice cream. All that cream and sugar, eeeeeew!
Super glad he showed us what goes into ice cream i. Yesterdays's episode. Although I've been off ice cream lately I'm worried I might crave this once water weather hits, hopefully il keep this every time I think of ice cream. All that cream and sugar, eeeeeew!

what the heck have I written, sorry that's my ipad typing error. :eek:
I miss the food tube... Used to be my favorite part of the show!!
I also miss the food tubes..

Okay, sorry if someone has mentioned this before, but I am watching some old episodes right now, and dr Christian said that the superskinny is only eating 1800 kcals a day... 1800:wtf:
Did anybody see the last episode (#8)? Because if someone has a problem with pizza binging or similar this is the episode to watch :wtf::run:
Did anybody see the last episode (#8)? Because if someone has a problem with pizza binging or similar this is the episode to watch :wtf::run:

I am really starting to love this show. I love love love pizza, but I don't binge on it. So it's good for me, because now Dr. Christian is really making me limit how often I eat cheese and pizza. Also, the show is great to see how bad the skin is because of poor diet, really makes you think about proper nutrition. He seems to know so much about nutrition compared to other doctors, we don't get taught this stuff so I wonder if he also studied nutrition.
I am really starting to love this show. I love love love pizza, but I don't binge on it. So it's good for me, because now Dr. Christian is really making me limit how often I eat cheese and pizza.

Yeah I'm not one to binge on pizza or anything, I can take it or leave it, but I have in the past sometimes eaten this sort of cheap cafeteria-style pizza on occasion and wow never again will I ever be tempted after seeing that giant vat of fatty greasy cheese from a week's worth of pizza or whatever that was in this episode, so revolting :superpuke:
Sorry to be such a spammer on this thread but I'm oddly fascinated by this show :oops: anybody seen episode 9? It was like a little recap and they followed up on two pairs of contestants, so two supersizers and superskinnies were doing great a year on after their initial appearance on TV, one superskinny was doing well apparently as well (a guy) and then I was expecting them to show the superskinny girl who was paired to the supersize girl they followed up on but....nope! So that got my crazy head all in a fluster...did she simply not want to be followed up on after a year? Or did she gain 30 lbs Demi Lovato style? Did she get an ED of some sort and lose 20? Did she start b/ping or something? And then it got me thinking: from the whole initial group they couldn't find two complete pair-ups to follow up on? Really because thats rather sad? Ok rant over :hmm:
Okay, sorry if someone has mentioned this before, but I am watching some old episodes right now, and dr Christian said that the superskinny is only eating 1800 kcals a day... 1800:wtf:

"only" :lol:
This show grosses me out. I am just watching a random episode now and I am seriously feeling nauseous. I am not usually that kind of sensitive person who would get all "oo I am going to pass out now". But this is disgusting. They just showed a woman who wakes up in the middle of the night and eats corn flakes+cream+sugar then brown sauce on toast then a couple of bars of chocolate then some redbull then 3-4 bags of crisps. And she said she does that every night. I honestly didn't think a person could ever eat that much in a single meal and make such weird combinations! I am sorry but I am in shock. I thought I have seen enough in my life but apparently I've seen nothing.
I'm on a supersize vs superksinny video streak. I swear it's like reverse thinspo to the max!

I love the difference between the two, even though I think the ''superskinnies'' aren't really superskinnies at all, more like slim, and perfect at their weight.

I have to say it really made me realize how healthy I'm (and a lot of us on this forum) eating. Seriously, not only is the food the supersizers eat super gross, but they eat 10 portions of it!

Even though I'm grossed out a lot of the times, it's so entertaining!

The first season, first episode actually has a focus on the ''model diet''! ;)

Meanwhile, size 14 Anna Richardson immerses herself into the world of serial dieters and attempts to drop a dress size or two by following their faddy diets and lifestyle regimes. This week she looks behind the glamorous façade of modelling and exposes the body abusing methods some models use to stay skinny as she embarks on an extreme apple-only 'model' diet.