Reddit Fatlogic

Just... just... I really don't even know what to say to this.


Oh my god... How can somebody be so freaking insecure?

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Just... just... I really don't even know what to say to this.


Well you may as well go right ahead and never praise anyone for anything then. Good grades, any success at work or in life - there's always going to be someone who hasn't got it. How dare you celebrate the achievements you worked hard for.
Also..why does she bother with the 'fat doesn't equal unhealthy' tag when she clearly hates her weight.
It's hilarious that they somehow manage to make everything about themselves ^^
I love browsing this subreddit or TITP, all the whining and excuses ^^

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:wtf: that is actually one of the most horrible things I have ever read! I don't even understand how anyone could do that. She'd have to be seriously unhappy to ruin things for someone else like that, at least she admits it though... It's attitudes like that that just make things hard for everyone, like people who bring their bad moods to work with them and make it a tough day for everyone else too, except this is actually her partner's health
omg no.. i think they might be being serious. Just googled 'transfat' and 'phantom fat'. What the sweet fuck.

Someone please tell me I read that all wrong and that there aren't people out there who believe this....

I went on google and it's not a 'common' thought in the fat-pride community but it definitely is real and is out there. The whole "trans" part really pisses me off because stuff like this belittles actual people who are transgender/transexual and suffer from true discrimination :nopity:
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Why don't they say they're struggling with body dysmorphia (aka "I don't see my body as it really is beause I don't accept it and I'd do anything to change")? Why do they need to make up a new concept? Attention whoring, pretty much?
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"Trans fat" just kills me because all I can think of is hydrogenated oils.

What a thing to identify with.
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Why don't they say they're struggling with body dysmorphia (aka "I don't see my body as it really is beause I don't accept it and I'd do anything to change")? Why do they need to make up a new concept? Attention whoring, pretty much?

Yeah, it seems pretty ridiculous. They're just trying to identify with an "oppressed" community (I'm using quotations for a reason here)--there are also people who claim to be "transracial" (as in, white girl identifies as japanese), which is the most fucked up thing.
Some people on tumblr just really want to feel special. :nopity:
Yeah, it seems pretty ridiculous. They're just trying to identify with an "oppressed" community (I'm using quotations for a reason here)--there are also people who claim to be "transracial" (as in, white girl identifies as japanese), which is the most fucked up thing.
Some people on tumblr just really want to feel special. :nopity:

Is it just me or are people nowadays looking to live self-imposed tortured lives? Not enough problems?