Reddit Fatlogic

I can't get enought of this site :lol: the girl is dumb as fuck:

Q:whats so wrong with being thin omfg?
A:Like saying: what’s so wrong with perpetuating oppression? “lol”

I’m also considering a book. Message me if you’d like to donate to my paypal for one. Or if you want to buy me food.

Q: anorexia is a mental issue not a person you thinks too thin.
A:Look, it’s the terminology police! Everyone RUN!

My husband runs daily and gets sick twice as often as I do, I think that’s evidence enough for me. He also eats much more than I do and never gains a pound. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad for that, I find obese men repulsive. At the same time, it’s infuriating because I cannot gain.)

So I get my plates of bagels and make my coffee like I like it. I got most of the way through one bagel, then I started feeling full. Here’s where my plan to help with my phantom fat kicks in:

I found one of those belt fanny packs large enough to be my “second tummy”. Since I haven’t been able to realize my body type so far, this helps to emulate my phantom fat just a little. The other part of hopefully becoming big and beautiful is going through the steps of chewing the other bagels, spitting the bagel into a napkin, and putting it all in my second tummy, in the hopes that I’ll be able to do it for real one day.

Thin privilege is the mile run in high school gym class. I know I’m fat and can’t run, and everyone else knows I’m fat and can’t run.
So she has "thin privilege" and a cundishun?

It seems shakethecobwebs, among a handful of other people, think I’m a troll. [...] I found out a few weeks ago that I’m on thisisthinprivilege’s troll list as well, simply for standing up for my beliefs and striving to be who I am. Two blogs I really look up to and take inspiration from have stopped me from standing up and joining them in the same manner.
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I also can't get enough of it. I absolutely boggles my mind that there is a person out there who actually is THAT stupid.

"I actually can’t stomach the idea of me only purchasing one plane seat, or buying smaller clothing— due to my phantom fat."

"So I get my plates of bagels and make my coffee like I like it. I got most of the way through one bagel, then I started feeling full. Here’s where my plan to help with my phantom fat kicks in:
I found one of those belt fanny packs large enough to be my “second tummy”. Since I haven’t been able to realize my body type so far, this helps to emulate my phantom fat just a little. The other part of hopefully becoming big and beautiful is going through the steps of chewing the other bagels, spitting the bagel into a napkin, and putting it all in my second tummy, in the hopes that I’ll be able to do it for real one day."

Hunny it must be very hard to eat more than one bagel when you are trying SO HARD to gain weight. You must try and eat SO MUCH FOOD everyday yet your stomach is so tiny one bagel is enough to start chewing and spitting your food in public.


And I thought I had issues with food. I just cant.
I'm pretty sure you don't

Called 24 a small fat

"So I get my plates of bagels and make my coffee like I like it. I got most of the way through one bagel, then I started feeling full. Here’s where my plan to help with my phantom fat kicks in:
I found one of those belt fanny packs large enough to be my “second tummy”. Since I haven’t been able to realize my body type so far, this helps to emulate my phantom fat just a little. The other part of hopefully becoming big and beautiful is going through the steps of chewing the other bagels, spitting the bagel into a napkin, and putting it all in my second tummy, in the hopes that I’ll be able to do it for real one day."

This is horrifying. I actually feel a bit sick after reading that. :superpuke:
OMG fat people shame other fat people for not being fat enough :wtf:
Like, you can still walk CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE YO you don't understand my life
You can still see the tip of your toes when you look down you fucking charlatan you're not actually fat get out of my safe zone

What. The. Fuck. I'm so baffled


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Some of these, I can't even get mad at, it's just really sad. No one is this irrational without suffering from some kind of mental illness.
The mind is a scary thing and can create all sorts of delusions to cope... in this case, their weight. I hope they get help.
I found this gem on reddit. Allegedly, this model posted this image to her social media. But, LOVE.


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Yeah, that was Cassi Van Den Dungen- I love her look; I think she's definitely matured a whole lot since her Australia's Next Top Model days.
I keep reading the one about anorexia at a height weight over and over, and I still don't get why people are so obsessed with claming themselves anorexic...
To me, this chick has be dieting (cause social pression or whatever), ended up binge out at Mc Beetus and then met Fat Acceptance Movement. From that, she's just modified her story to make herself a victim, not someone who's failed at loosing weight.
@hannegabyfreja: thank you for this germs, I had a good laught!
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New material.

Holy crap. So Hitler was right to attempt to eradicate Jews, Romani, homosexuals and political dissidents?! I really hope that she has no grasp of logic and doesn't realise that the alternative would nullify her point ...

Also, these are funny. :grin: