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These photos just speak for themselves tbh. I’ve noticed the designers have started to style gigi with clothes that cover her arms up lol
She looks like an extra from this Chemical Brothers video, although most of the robots have better bodies IMO

Covering her arms is a plus though so shoutout to that.
Recently I've been thinking a lot about Bella's eternally squishy build, and the thought occurred to me: given her body type (any experts in this area, please feel free to chime in) how much of Bella's squishiness could be corrected with proper nutrition and fitness, and how much weight (pun intended) should be given to genetic factors? Regardless of her weight over the years, she's always had cottage cheese arms and legs - but we know she's always eaten terribly too. What do you girls think?

Recent pictures of Bella pushing her science-backed 'magic drink':



Recently I've been thinking a lot about Bella's eternally squishy build, and the thought occurred to me: given her body type (any experts in this area, please feel free to chime in) how much of Bella's squishiness could be corrected with proper nutrition and fitness, and how much weight (pun intended) should be given to genetic factors? Regardless of her weight over the years, she's always had cottage cheese arms and legs - but we know she's always eaten terribly too. What do you girls think?

Recent pictures of Bella pushing her science-backed 'magic drink':
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I feel like the perpetually squishy build has been long discussed on this thread but it’s hard not to think that a lot of it doesn’t come from her constantly fluctuating weight. It’s happened enough times to impact her skin long term and make it a bit looser in the problem areas where she frequently gains. So while yes I think its a bit of genetics, she really isn’t doing herself any favors by yo-yoing more than an ADHD child.


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Yes, genetics do contribute to some extent but not to the point that I would excuse her physique.

All we see with Bella - weight fluctuations, yoyo diets, an unhealthy lifestyle, excess alcohol etc.
Nothing in balance whatsoever.

More like, gains weight because of her trash choices, goes on a crash diet, loses some, gains back more. I dont think its possible to build a sustainable healthy or “skinny” (mainstream skinny hence the quotation marks) that way. All you do is wreck your body and health long term and pay it back the older you get.
And even when you get skinnier you look like shit because you’re not really building muscle? You’re just flushing water in and out and not doing much to change your actual composition.

It’s not like I give much of a shit about the Hadid’s but what “upsets” me is that they could have had it so easy. Financially, easy access to the best nutritionists/private chefs/PT’s etc, where other aspiring people would really struggle or make financial compromises.
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First of all, high water pants aren’t in… second her face looks horrible. Looks like she’s rediscovered white powder with her new boyfriend. Remember how she slimmed right down when she was with The Weeknd before
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View attachment 130349View attachment 130350
First of all, high water pants aren’t in… second her face looks horrible. Looks like she’s rediscovered white powder with her new boyfriend. Remember how she slimmed right down when she was with The Weeknd before
I'm surprised this even comes out of my mouth (more like keyboard in this situation) but, I truly hope she finds peace within herself and balance in her life/diet most importantly.
At this point, all her yo-yo dieting is making me feel sorry for her, even though I don't worship celebrities. It is quite the opposite, to be frank.
You can also tell that the (presumed) buccal fat removal she had is taking a toll on her because now her face looks much older than when she first had the procedure. And I expect it to look closer to this as she ages:
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View attachment 130349View attachment 130350
First of all, high water pants aren’t in… second her face looks horrible. Looks like she’s rediscovered white powder with her new boyfriend. Remember how she slimmed right down when she was with The Weeknd before
I didn’t realize she was looking THIS haggard… If I didn’t know who she was and saw her in public, I might experience a little jump scare. Does facial fat removal really do this? The bleached brows are also doing her zero favors, what is going on :nervous: I really hope younger girls don’t look up to whatever this is.
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She should start a search party for her jaw, it looks to have gone missing.

I swear she just has bulimia face. Her puffy checks, narrowed eyes, swollen jawline, bloated pouty-looking mouth. Wouldn't surprise me considering the tension between her mother/profession and her junk food-obsessed media personality, "I love burgers and fries!". I mean, even at her high weight this is a lot of food to keep up with:

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I swear she just has bulimia face. Her puffy checks, narrowed eyes, swollen jawline, bloated pouty-looking mouth. Wouldn't surprise me considering the tension between her mother/profession and her junk food-obsessed media personality, "I love burgers and fries!". I mean, even at her high weight this is a lot of food to keep up with:

View attachment 130406View attachment 130407
No way?! I don’t have the privileges to react just yet, but Gigi is always giving 🐷 vibes - she has no shame at this point. Out tonight and thought to maybe share an evening dessert with my bf, but this gluttonous spread of cheesy carbs just took away any slight craving I had. So thank you🤮
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What is this body shape? Why does she wear the most unflattering pants? How are her forearms so large? I find myself plagued with questions
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For some reason my social media recommendations are full of her lately. I keep setting "hide" and "idgaf" options but it doesn't stop..

However I just looked into some comments, and so many girls there argue that she's getting "skinny", even "her skinniest ever", "She's at her lowest", "y2k skinny". The only thing that I agree on is that she's at her lowest- regarding good-looking.
Those bleached brows don't look good on her with her cut down nose and that black hair. And what all those little girls see as gaunt and being skinnier than ever?
Well that's only the removed cheek fat and the weirdly contoured belly. Her thighs? Still big.
Her hips? Like that shakira song, they don't lie. We see those pizzas, Bella. We can tell.

Her terrible lifestyle just shows, and I can't grasp how people really think she's skinny or even thinspo looking.

Anyway I wished there was a button to make it stop
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I cant stand that i keep seeing her all over my fyp on twitter. I dont even follow this page.
This comparison just proves bella will never be as iconic and breathtaking as kate. shes so bland and average. Its giving “models next to normal people” vibes.
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View attachment 131361
I cant stand that i keep seeing her all over my fyp on twitter. I dont even follow this page.
This comparison just proves bella will never be as iconic and breathtaking as kate. shes so bland and average. Its giving “models next to normal people” vibes.
Not to mention that she COMPLETELY failed at the innocent/doe eyed expression. Dead eyed, perhaps?
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