Skinny + Jewellery



I just realized that there is no threads in here so I am going to post pics of skinny girls wearing some beautiful jewellery :) Please do add your own xxx

The tights are amazing and the cross is simple yet pretty :luv:




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Makes me want to go out and buy a whole bunch of jewellery. But i know i probably will not wear it.... :p
I love it when bracelets can fit up over one's elbow and just hang out there, nice and loose. One of my former bosses was super tiny and could just slide bracelets up there, completely unhindered by arm wobble...if one is skinny enough, that spot just makes the perfect lil' shelf for a nice band/cuff!
I love it when bracelets can fit up over one's elbow and just hang out there, nice and loose. One of my former bosses was super tiny and could just slide bracelets up there, completely unhindered by arm wobble...if one is skinny enough, that spot just makes the perfect lil' shelf for a nice band/cuff!
THIS. Ahhh, perfection.
I love looking at picture's on instagram or on their blog by sabo skirt. They put some really cool stuff up :)


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im a huge fan of jewelry i wear about 30 bracelets on each arm daily and my rings a huge. im obsessed with hair bows...i think now i have about 100 all BIG over the top and beautiful one to match every outfit!:luv: i cant get enough of fedoras and necklaces are a must have:grin:
I think only skinny girls can pull off the choker look.

Either SG skinny, or thin.... I've seen average-chub girls with chokers and I mentally photoshop them with 10 lbs less, and it always looks much better.
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Not sure if it counts because I can't tell if its built into the dress or a separate piece of jewellery, but this is one of my favourite pictures ever.:luv: I love how the layers of jewels drape over her shoulder blades!

Do crowns count?

Ruth Bell usually looks like she could kill me (or at least wants to steal my lunch money) but I love it.

Asymmetrical earring on such a symmetrical, delicate face:

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