
Then again, when you make your life public like that you can't expect it to never be seen/discussed by people you don't necessarily want to be doing so. No one has said anything too negative about her either and has more expressed concern for her sake and that of easily-triggered SG members. A trigger warning in the thread title for things like this might be the way to go, although to be honest alive-still-need2live sounds like an ED tumblr in and of itself...
If she really wants to gain, why is she still eating super law calorie and counting everything?
Actually that is a good question, and one that I hopefully can help answer.. She says that she is/was bulimic. With bulimia it is a really slippery slope- you can't just eat small portions of whatever you want. A tiny piece of lasagna or bit of mozzarella stick can make you feel 'sick' and send you into relapse. By eating very very healthy she actually can get food IN her without feeling guilty (major factor in bulimia as well). I am recovering from bulimia so that is just my view on it- I can only eat similar foods.. the hard part is that I still need/want to lose weight (the right way), so I count my calories as well (really tempting to go under your calorie limit when you feel like you've ate healthy and aren't 'hungry').. which is probably why there is a cycle of anorexia and bulimia.. what do you think?
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Oh, that's so sad... she is adorable. You just never know who is naturally that thin and who is starving themselves.
@WhisperThin, I agree. Not everyone gets over an ED the same way, and many people can't "quit" cold turkey. I'm sure she's eating about twice the calories as she was before, since it seems she's eating 1200-1300cal. It's far better for her to eat reasonable portions of healthy foods than try to eat too much and feel guilty enough to binge.

By continuing to count her calories and exercise, she's easing the panic of being "unhealthy". She can slowly build her body back up, without doing anything that will trigger a relapse. I think she's actually doing pretty well, and posting about it online has got to help her feel accountable. She's not just getting better for herself, but for her fans as well.
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I understand better now. Thank you for answers!

It was striking to me that, some of her breakfasts are more than 400 calories,which is more than my toast+ cheese + cold turkey + cucumber usual breakfast. I would had guessed they are below 200 calories just by looking.
She can't really be recovered if she still feels the need to count calories and undereat. Her legs are so skinny they don't look real....
She can't really be recovered if she still feels the need to count calories and undereat. Her legs are so skinny they don't look real....

Recovery is a process and takes time. I'm recovering too and still not eating sometimes - not because I'm relapsing but to lose weight simply.
She can't really be recovered if she still feels the need to count calories and undereat. Her legs are so skinny they don't look real....

I'd say people are never recovered, but always in recovery. It's a life long process and struggle.

That aside, who are you to judge? Do you know her personally? Are you a doctor specializing in the treatment of eating disorders in adolescent women?

Everyone is different. She is gaining weight, but she's doing so slowly so as to avoid triggering her compulsion to purge or starve.

Have you considered that perhaps she tracks calories to make sure she eats enough? It could be very helpful, since many sufferers of anorexia stop feeling hunger. Keeping a record would help her make sure she eats.

In short, there are plenty of idiots outside our safe haven who make judgments and diagnoses about other people they don't know, let's try to avoid being like them. No one likes a hypocrite.
poor girl...only 15? I can't get over how unhealthy and dry her hair looks :(
I'd say people are never recovered, but always in recovery. It's a life long process and struggle.

That aside, who are you to judge? Do you know her personally? Are you a doctor specializing in the treatment of eating disorders in adolescent women?

Everyone is different. She is gaining weight, but she's doing so slowly so as to avoid triggering her compulsion to purge or starve.

Have you considered that perhaps she tracks calories to make sure she eats enough? It could be very helpful, since many sufferers of anorexia stop feeling hunger. Keeping a record would help her make sure she eats.

In short, there are plenty of idiots outside our safe haven who make judgments and diagnoses about other people they don't know, let's try to avoid being like them. No one likes a hypocrite.

Just realised how hypocritical my post made me sound. Yeah, I guess it is the best way to start a recovery, slowly building up her calorie intake so she doesn't trigger herself to purge/starve. Sorry about that :)
Just realised how hypocritical my post made me sound. Yeah, I guess it is the best way to start a recovery, slowly building up her calorie intake so she doesn't trigger herself to purge/starve. Sorry about that :)

Sorry for responding so harshly, I was frustrated. Thank you for taking the time to come apologize :)
Thank you for the link. Small people can't trigger me, but I like the fod pictures. I follow her now on Tumblr. Hopefully she'll recover.
Her today. Poor thing keeps relapsing :( she also admits to bingeing and purging and she keeps losing weight. I wish she'd get better and gain a few lbs! She really does seem so sweet and genuine


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Her today. Poor thing keeps relapsing :( she also admits to bingeing and purging and she keeps losing weight. I wish she'd get better and gain a few lbs! She really does seem so sweet and genuine

I follow her tumblr since it was posted here :). It's really inspirational.
I can imagine how hard it is :(.
I follow her tumblr since it was posted here :). It's really inspirational.
I can imagine how hard it is :(.

Right - I read her blog everyday. Sometimes it's obvious that she's keeping us in the dark, when she says she's eating 1200-1500 calories each day but then is still losing weight :( she recently admitted to getting back to anorexic and bulimic behaviors, and she also struggles with depression. I really hope she makes it through and can become healthy and happy one day - you can tell she's really suffering.
My god, I just read her story and it broke my heart, I sent her a message. I'm sure she gets tons of them, but if they help lift her spirits when she's in a dark place then it can't be a bad thing. She seems like such a sweetheart and has been through so much, yet comes across as so much nicer and actually - in spite of everything she's struggling with - more positive than a hell of a lot of people who have it better than her.

I agree that counting and eating healthy will help her recovery sensibly. I know that if I eat something unhealthy it really triggers me to binge all day - no junk is then enough and I just eat and eat and eat, and it continues for either days or weeks until I can get a hold of myself again. Eating all the healthy foods eliminates the biological craving to eat more junk, as well as the 'I've fucked up now might as well treat my body like a trash can for the rest of the day' risks that she might have if she 'allowed' some junk in there. Recovery doesn't have a final destination in my opinion. Once you've had this kind of relationship with food and your body, you're never going to be completely 'normal' in your mind, but you can certainly lead a normal and healthy life, providing nothing sets you off again. If someone purges once a month as opposed to once a day, no they're not recovered, but they're a hell of a lot better than they were before, and it's not up to anyone else to judge them for that. Baby steps will get you/them there.

Rant over. Her meals look so freakin good, I don't have the patience for all that pretty preparation :lol: :rolleyes: