Biggest Loser Mutiny

Product placement :sneaky:

That's the word i was looking for :)...but it's not only tv shows and James Bond movies..i also started to notice product placement in some books :wtf:

One example are the Stieg Larsson books... it annoyed me that every computer, piece of furniture and mobile phone was described in great detail and the brand and model were always mentioned... Am i the only one who noticed that?

Sorry for being so off topic :oops:
But back to the thread..I think it is silly that they are talking about rules and all this crap. You are obese. You are put onto a show because you need to lose weight before you have a heart attack or die from complications. And you refuse to keep playing because of something that happens on almost every season? Whatever. Have fun gaining the weight back because you obviously don't get the severity and time sensitive issue in front of you.
I was so disappointed in Mark and Buddy for leaving the show.

Tbh i don't think Mark would have made it to the next episode anyway...he doesn't have that much more weight to lose, he already looks pretty healthy in my opinion...Buddy on the other hand is still quite overweight so i think he made a bad decision to leave the show at this point....