Confession: I've never really liked her face at all. Sorry if what I'm going to say now will sound crude, but I don't understand why people who are already not so stunning to begin with (face-wise) also let their bodies go. With skinny figure, her face would also look better, and maybe overall she would actually look even above average. Right now, she looks 1/10.
Those boots... Whyyyyy?!
She just looks sick, dull, depressed, and chubby. She could still look vaguely pretty if it looked like she takes regular showers and didn't live in a trailer park...
Considering she's likely still depressed, I consider it a victory for her when she looks halfway tidy.
I like to rag on other celebs who let themselves go, but she's got such significant mental health issues I feel nothing but pity for her. I wish she'd get to a good mental places, reclaim her independence, and then lose the weight if she can. Still, if she'd just dress a bit better in the interim, it would be easier on the eyes.
What makes you think she's depressed?