Major thinspo.
Major thinspo.
She has a good body and her waist is definitely smaller than mine is right now, but I don’t really consider her major thinspo. I'm personally going for a more bony look but to each their own. (Maybe I also can't find her waist inspirational because I know mine will never look like that, giant ribcage problems)
I'm the opposite. When I was younger I never worked out because I was scared I would 'bulk up' and the method of skinny I gravitate towards more ""naturally"" is 'why bother exercising, so much effort when you could just starve.'I think fitspo in general doesn't really motivate me. Not to go all psychoanalytical here, but it's a lot easier for me to work out a lot than it is to starve well, so I don't really envy the skinny-fit look as much as I do the skin-and-bones look. I know the gym rats can still eat a decent amount, while the Saint Laurent girls are better at starving than I am (which makes me get competitive and want to do better.)
She’s like peak Candace imo.
I’ve followed all the ones she posts but I’m not seeing change