It'll end when you stop being so defensive about it! Do you know the things people in my real life say about things
I did when I was sixteen? Sixteen year olds do things they're embarrassed about years later, it's fine if you look back and laugh at it. If you stopped crying wolf about being attacked and just acknowledged "god, I was a cringey little shit back then - and it's immortalised on a catfight thread, doh!" in a good natured way I'm sure people would just drop it eventually. When you raise your hackles at the slightest provocation, you'll only perpetuate the digs because you create bad blood with other members.
Not everything you post is wrong. Hell, you just reached the post count to make Grand Dame status! Just... let it go. It's not that deep, I promise.
@elle_w00ds, whereabouts is your other half from?! The Brit sense of humour has to be my favourite of our international exports