Jessica Simpson admits to her ugly diet

I have to disagree. I guess I was born with lack of a maternal instinct. I don't like kids.. Don't want kids... And never want to be pregnant. I find nothing beautiful about naked pregnant women.

Yeah I agree. When I see pregnant women in tight tops it really freaks me out. And when women breast feed in public.
@Skinny Gurl : The gif made my day :lol::lol::lol:

What´s the saying- if you can´t take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
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Yeah I agree. When I see pregnant women in tight tops it really freaks me out. And when women breast feed in public.

I totally get this.
Since Demi Moore had her nude pregnant magazine cover, every pregnant celeb feels obliged to one too. Who wants to see that?
When I was preggers, I was "how the F*** am i supposed to get in shape again" all the time, and I wasn´t even a fat expecting mum, just my usual self plus the belly. I didn´t feel too good in my skin, let alone show up in a bikini or any other revealing clothing in public. Again, it´s a temporary state - and not a very aestetical one, let´s face it - so why forcing your look unto others?
Also, I´m not quite sure about breastfeeding. Personally, I refused.
My son is really healthy and happy, and he grew up with milk powder and cow milk so...:rolleyes:
It´s said to be the best thing for the baby and I respect every woman´s decision, but breastfeeding in public freaks me out as well. Once they have a kid, women expect everyone (especially males) to see their boobs not as boobs, but as some sort of asexual milk bottles. But guess what - it doesn´t work. Some things need to stay in privacy. Just my opinion.
I'm really rooting for Jessica Simpson. I hope that she does well with the Weight Watchers deal. She used to look so good!
I hate seeing her face on all these magazine covers praising her for losing 30 pounds and bouncing back. Number 1, I'm pretty sure the majority of that 30 pounds (if that's true) was her f***ing baby and everything that came out with it.

Number 2, she is so ridiculously photoshopped that I don't even understand how those covers get published.

I love buying gossip magazines (it fuels my own internal takedowns) but she is ruining it for me! She is the new Kim Kardashian and by that I mean another face I cannot stand to look at.

Sighhh rant over.

Once they have a kid, women expect everyone (especially males) to see their boobs not as boobs, but as some sort of asexual milk bottles.

Um, essentally, that's what boobs *are* ... that's why we have them. They aren't there for aesthetic reasons. We are mammals. I think society views boobs in a very prudish way if you ask me, and I wish people would relax a bit about nudity. Yes, boobs are often sexual, but so are a lot of things in the right context. There are differences between porn and nudity - sometimes the line is blurred, but it's all about context. So I can see why it would be weird for a women to whip her titty out and breastfeed at a fancy restaurant - but infants shouldn't be in such places anyway. I say just don't breastfeed anywhere you shouldn't bring an infant. I'm not hating on you, and you're entitled to your opintion, but I have to keep it real here from a biological perspective.

Back to the original topic though, I agree with you and most others in this thread that pregnant women who get super fat - like Jessica Simpson - and dress like effing trampy teenagers are utterly (udderly? ;) ) gross.
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Jessica Simpson has always felt better Erm what some misguided people like to call 'curvy' :/ well i say chubby, but she'd always get stick and have to crash diet to lose all the weight,

She gained so much weight with her pregnancy because finally she had the perfect excuse for being fat! What better reason than ' I'm pregnant'

She ate the cheesecake coz she could! We were never gonna think 'Oooh she looks a bit bloated there ' :L
I kinda despise when women eat like gluttons when pregnant. Just cause you got a fetus inside ya doesn't mean you can stuff yourself with 4000 calories and justify it by saying you're eating for two! You only need 200-300 cals extra when pregnant!
I kinda despise when women eat like gluttons when pregnant. Just cause you got a fetus inside ya doesn't mean you can stuff yourself with 4000 calories and justify it by saying you're eating for two! You only need 200-300 cals extra when pregnant!

Agreed! It should be an excuse to eat extra healthy! Gotta keep that little nugget growing with actual nutrients!
After looking at pics of her dukes of hazard days it's obscene....
Agreed! It should be an excuse to eat extra healthy! Gotta keep that little nugget growing with actual nutrients!

It's actually cruel to feed your fetus unhealthy food! I would feed mine healthy delicious foods!
I get that not everyone can stick to a super healthy strict diet when pregnant. My mom for instance is a health nut, seriously borderline weird about food, and she said that when she was pregnant her appetite for fatty food skyrocketed. She still felt disgusting about eating cinnamon rolls but she couldn't help it, ad I believe her. She is one of those weirdos that naturally became skinnier post pregnancy though.

But what this lard ass has done is unacceptable! What sort of message is she sending other moms to be? I honestly hope she isn't able to shed the weight and can serve as a public example for why you shouldn't 'eat for two'.