Lily Collins

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Just watched To the Bone last night and I have to say I never rated her that highly as an actress but I was impressed with her performance. Her face and skin are so stunning.
I watched it last night too! I thought she was really good in it, and overall I liked the movie but I thought the ending with her mom feeding her like a baby was a little strange.. also I like Keanu Reeves but the way they wrote his character seemed very strange and overly personal for a doctor. I've had pretty minimal experience with medical professionals but it just seemed a little strange to me
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In some of her pics she reminds me of Emmy Rossum (though I prefer Lily -not only her body but i think she’s a much more versatile actress)

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Has anyone watched Emily in Paris? Her character is so freaking insufferable it is hard to watch but her body looks great.
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Has anyone watched Emily in Paris? Her character is so freaking insufferable it is hard to watch but her body looks great.

I found this show heinously unwatchable, which certainly colored my judgment, but Lily looked quite skinny-fat to me. She’s 5’5” but I kept thinking she was much shorter - not sure whether that’s due to her proportions, mannerisms, or the frumpy 2007-Gossip-Girl-esque outfits she kept appearing in.


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I love both Taylor and Romee in this pic! Finally some actually skinny angels in VS.
Has anyone watched Emily in Paris? Her character is so freaking insufferable it is hard to watch but her body looks great.
I found this show heinously unwatchable, which certainly colored my judgment, but Lily looked quite skinny-fat to me. She’s 5’5” but I kept thinking she was much shorter - not sure whether that’s due to her proportions, mannerisms, or the frumpy 2007-Gossip-Girl-esque outfits she kept appearing in.



I thought that sometimes she actually looked pretty good (for an actress), other times, not so much. The fashion was certainly questionable, which tbqh, is probably one of the more positive attributes of the show (and that's saying something!). I did like that the writers threw in a few fat shaming jokes though. There was a scene in the first episode where all her French colleagues are laughing at how obese Americans are. And there was a scene in a later episode where Emily is eating some canapes at a cocktail party and her boss basically mocks her for eating and says words to the effect of "Why are you eating? Why not have a cigarette instead?".

And was it just me, or were all her marketing ideas just utter crap?!? Like something out of Marketing 101 for Dummies?

Some pictures of one of the scenes where I thought she looked pretty good:

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Haven't read through it but seems pointless. Vogue really keeps getting worse and worse.
Dear lord. I feel like the folks at Conde Nast may be worse at marketing than Emily. Why keep making this new effort to appeal to an audience that will NEVER buy your magazine?? The death of the magazines that have remained will not be caused by the Internet, but by their complete inability to understand their core consumer.
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