Magdalena Frackowiak


Body-talk aside... Is that a stain on her panties? :run::lol:

good god!

How much time could she have possibly spent in that outfit? a minute? two? What, did she sneeze out a little trickle between being dressed and hitting the runway? Pull yourself together, Magda.
All these fugly VS pictures hurt my little Skinnymodels-mind. I do hope Magda knows that all the attention and money aren't worth it. I'd rather be skinny and unknown than averageslim and famous.
The unfortunate thing is many more people (like regular people not fashion oriented people) see the VS show so it'll definitely not go unnoticed for her!!

To be honest I didn't pick it up on a still picture until you guys brought it up. I don't think that with all the editing, zoom-in-zoom-out thing that VS loves etc., anybody will notice.
The shape of it seems a little too symmetrical. Maybe it was the lighting showing the inner lining? Even if she peed a little (which I highly doubt), it's up kind of far. It's probably just a little sweat mixed with fake tanner.