I'm not sure how many accolades I'm willing to hand Romee for self-inflicted health issues. It is perfectly possible to sustain her lowest BMI without developing lanugo. Either she is completely oblivious to nutrition, or she has some other condition / is not ~*NaTUralLy SkinNy*~, in which case, maybe don't become a model.
Haha ok, so you're insisting she really could have worked smarter. Technically, I 99% agree. (I am sympathetic to the possibility that her body just wasn't suited for that level of leanness over such a prolonged period of time, and that by the time that was recognized, it was 'too hard'/'too late' to switch paths constructively.)
Sure, she could probably have avoided most/all of those problems simply by training with lower volume and higher intensity, and substituting some of the avocado/fats with quality protein.
But I dunno...she left school early(?) to eventually become a professional bimbo, and VS rotates through its gospels of fitness (it was Ballet Beautiful some time back, and now it's Dogpound?).... IDK that I would have made better decisions and attained better outcomes had I been in that job with middling intelligence and education, and with dodgy but slickly and aggressively marketed fitness and nutrition information in my face all the time.
All of the gain aside, why does she keep on getting fake tan? The filter just amplifies that oompa loompa tone
Encouraged by VS for a BeAcHy ViBe or at this point of fame everything goes?
Hers is more extreme, with some reasons indicated in VIP post, but Josephine and Elsa are also a lot more bronze than most Nordic girls (even those transplanted to LA, I assume). It's got to be a VS thing. Just like the veneers for that bland-AF American beach babe smile. (Always thought the veneers were as obvious as the fake boobs, but unsure about the perspicacity of outing her dentist as the info source...unless that was somehow ok'd....)
It’s not like she’s silently trying to lose the weight [...] she’s very clearly fully embracing it.... Considering the positive response she’s gotten I don’t think that she would lose the weight even if she really wanted to.
I think that is just this cousin* of sunk cost fallacy: "I had one cookie more than planned, so the only course of action now is to finish the whole box." Maladaptive and not to be condoned, but certainly understandable.
The fawning of newfound body-pos followers is all but certainly scant consolation (if at all) for the lost lithe body (and sense of being in control). I'm sure she feels every bit the bloated hot mess that she appears to be, and that the sorts of rationalizations
@elle_w00ds has humorously described are precisely what's running through her head these days.
*I'm sure it exists in the taxonomy of irrational thought, but IDK the name for it.