For those who don’t want to spend 25 minutes watching, essentially she & Jasmine Tookes “switch” eating patterns for the day. Nearly all of Jasmine’s orders were some sort of fried, greasy meat (bacon & buttered bread for breakfast, enormous chimichanga for lunch). Romee’s, while perhaps seemingly more healthy because due to the inclusion of fruits and veg, were described by Jasmine as “very heavy” and “extremely sweet.” At least Jasmine eats (or says to eat) smaller portions of her meals.
as much as i hate that romee seems to think healthy food can be eaten in unlimited portions, i really wanted to slap jasmine the whole 25 minutes of the video lmao. can someone tell this girl loving unhealthy food is NOT a personality trait???
she reminds me of my 17 year old brother than will only consume foods that are white, salty or fried for fucks sake. vs is not my ideal of skinniness, but i appreciate the fact (most) of the models workout and eat clean, but jasmine really is on another level of lazy.