I'm so sorry for my pathetic attempt of a thinspo post. I'm sorry for letting your eyes look at my horrendous picks of inspo. I hope you can accept my new offering.
Actress/Model Wakeema Hollis circa 2008
Her collarbones were a work of art. I've always loved her physique, there's a level of physical strength and tone which is a nice change from the frailty of most favoured models - although I do love their slender legs
Spanish ballet dancer Lucia Lacarra titled "Dancer of the Decade" 2011. Most ballet careers end between a dancer's 30s and 40s; she is 48 still dances and has retained her incredible flexibility and strength, her arches are beyond perfection, and she has one of the lowest BFPs I've seen in a dancer of her calibre. The woman has legs of literal steel