Tips on submitting to an agency?


Grand Dame
Oct 13, 2017
New York City
ive searched everywhere in this forum for a thread regarding this and I can't seem to find it :/ perhaps it doesn't exist?

I just need to ask (especially anyone who works in the industry) how can I catch the attention of an agency when I submit my pictures and not get my application thrown in the trash? Like what do you look for in model applications? What not to do? Etc.
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ive searched everywhere in this forum for a thread regarding this and I can't seem to find it :/ perhaps it doesn't exist?

I just need to ask (especially anyone who works in the industry) how can I catch the attention of an agency when I submit my pictures and not get my application thrown in the trash? Like what do you look for in model applications? What not to do? Etc.

I have a lot of pet peeves but the worst which 99% of the time will get deleted is shit pictures, like horrible light where you are just a silhouette, or 10 year old flip phone pics, or crappy in-the-mirror pics that give me flashbacks to being in school and on Myspace, or retouched artsy "professional" pics. All we really want is plain, simple, unretouched digitals. If you PM me I will send you guidelines.
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Okay so I didn't want to bump a super old thread and thought this was kind of related to this since after you send pics to agencies you'll go to their office and they will take their measurements. Is this true? I know its like 99% bs but I just wanted to know if its true if they don't bother to have you take off your shoes. @FashionThin @sabine
Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 5.27.44 PM.png
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Okay so I didn't want to bump a super old thread and thought this was kind of related to this since after you send pics to agencies you'll go to their office and they will take their measurements. Is this true? I know its like 99% bs but I just wanted to know if its true if they don't bother to have you take off your shoes. @FashionThin @sabine
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It depends on the agency. It shouldn't be done that way,but that doesn't mean it doesn't. My agency is a "serious",well-known agency and they always measured me without shoes,although I know a ton of examples where agencies (even more proffesional ones) added height to their girls...
Take in a consideration that all of my agencies are in Europe,I haven't worked yet in NYC,so ...
Also,if you want to seem taller you should put focus on your pose,ALWAYS try to stand straight (I'm often surprised how many models have a bent pose :().
And I think stretching workouts are really good for your back and can help you grow a bit (2-3 cm). You're still 17,so until you have 19-20 you can still add a cm or two to your height. :kiss:
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It depends on the agency. It shouldn't be done that way,but that doesn't mean it doesn't. My agency is a "serious",well-known agency and they always measured me without shoes,although I know a ton of examples where agencies (even more proffesional ones) added height to their girls...
Take in a consideration that all of my agencies are in Europe,I haven't worked yet in NYC,so ...
Also,if you want to seem taller you should put focus on your pose,ALWAYS try to stand straight (I'm often surprised how many models have a bent pose :().
And I think stretching workouts are really good for your back and can help you grow a bit (2-3 cm). You're still 17,so until you have 19-20 you can still add a cm or two to your height. :kiss:
Thank you! I’m not 5’6 though I’m 5’8. Which isn’t the best but in the fashion industry there’s a huge difference between 5’8 and 5’6 (as you know). If I got signed to an agency and they measured me to be 5’9 in converse (which most likely won’t happen though since I’m always wearing heels lol, but I guess I would have to wear converse so they won’t ask me to take them off) and then bumped me up to 5’10 that would help a ton with getting jobs. My posture is pretty bad because I have always been insecure about my height so I always catch myself doing the Marjan walk (she kind of slouches when she’s on the runway) and I’m sure if my posture was better I could be closeish to 5’9. Last summer I tried to make my posture better by sleeping on my back with no pillow and it helped a ton. I was a solid 5’8.5 but it’s so uncomfortable sleeping that way.
I’m not sure if these are the best pictures of what I mean by Marjan kind of slouching/ having her head down:
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Someone link me stretches to increase height! 5’4” to 5”11 in a night ;)
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Okay so I didn't want to bump a super old thread and thought this was kind of related to this since after you send pics to agencies you'll go to their office and they will take their measurements. Is this true? I know its like 99% bs but I just wanted to know if its true if they don't bother to have you take off your shoes. @FashionThin @sabine
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My agency made me take off my shoes...
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Okay so I didn't want to bump a super old thread and thought this was kind of related to this since after you send pics to agencies you'll go to their office and they will take their measurements. Is this true? I know its like 99% bs but I just wanted to know if its true if they don't bother to have you take off your shoes. @FashionThin @sabine
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Not sure if this is OT, but in response to agencies "bumping" height up -- I know an Instagram famous girl who recently got signed. I laughed when I saw her agency listed her at 5'7"; in person she is almost a full head shorter than me, and I'm only 5'8.5". If I had to put a number on it I'd say she's 5'2". I have no idea how she got signed tbh, it really makes me think about agencies falsifying heights and how common it is (that said, her agency is no IMG or Next, but I never thought a girl that short could ever get signed).
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Not sure if this is OT, but in response to agencies "bumping" height up -- I know an Instagram famous girl who recently got signed. I laughed when I saw her agency listed her at 5'7"; in person she is almost a full head shorter than me, and I'm only 5'8.5". If I had to put a number on it I'd say she's 5'2". I have no idea how she got signed tbh, it really makes me think about agencies falsifying heights and how common it is (that said, her agency is no IMG or Next, but I never thought a girl that short could ever get signed).
i want to know who this is....
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Same--also met a similar girl at a club recently who is listed as 5'8.5 with GOOD agencies and she's far shorter than I am, a solid 5'5. Annoys me to death.
Anna Ewers, Cara, Mackinley Hill, Jasmine Tookes, Barbara Palvin, all super short. I remember Richie was talking to me at 1Oak and Mackinley was right next to me and he was talking to her too and was almost a few inches from being face to face with her and then with me he had to full on look up. :lol:
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Everytime i see a model who is too short, too thick, not very cute, i imediately assume she sucked someones cock.
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Wait if you all have agencies then why are you looking for submission advice...? If you don’t have that VIP badge but you have an agency then I would assume that the issue might lie elsewhere
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Wait if you all have agencies then why are you looking for submission advice...? If you don’t have that VIP badge but you have an agency then I would assume that the issue might lie elsewhere
VIPs are for those with the top 10 agencies in their city. I’m with a more commercial agency because I was scouted even though I didn’t feel ready to be a model, but after the holidays I’ll be finally sending my pictures to those top 10 to see if I’ll get signed. Every agency is different and I wanted to see how the experience would be if I walk into one of those top 10 so I’m prepared.
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Everytime i see a model who is too short, too thick, not very cute, i imediately assume she sucked someones cock.
another newsflash--being tall and thin isn't the only thing that makes a good model or even a model; so many tall thin girls burn out after one season and/or have dead lifeless faces on camera or are horrifically unprofessional, bad to work with, or with a pisspoor attitude.
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