Now she's pissed because he's giving the money directly to the charities instead of giving it to her.
If she really had planned to give it all to them, then why does she care? Oh I know,
because she wasn't really going to.
Or because she wanted the tax rebate for herself. That is a LOT of money that Depp will now get instead of Heard.
Honestly, disregarding the whole he said - she said, he did - she did clusterfuck this case is: he agreed to a 7 milion settlement, to be paid to Heard.
By donating the money directly,
he gets a giant tax rebate of several million dollars. If he gives the money to Heard, and she donates all of it to charity,
she gets a giant tax rebate (and she will recieve the settlement tax free, as it is the result of the end of a marriage). So she stands to loose potentially several million by him donating directly, even if she were to donate the full 7 million.
Depp on the other hand, stands to gain several million by donating directly, drastically reducing his settlement. Please don't say it doesn't matter who donates, there are several million in tax rebates involved in this whole mess. That's a lot of money.
No matter who you believe in this whole mess, the bottom line is that they agreed on a settlement that was supposed to be paid out to Heard. Depp paying the money out directly to the charities will cost her (potentially) several million, and gain him (potentially) millions.
There is
no way Depp isn't doing this on purpose as a huge middle finger to Heard. He knows
exactly what he's doing. You can speculate away om whether he is being malicious or whether he wanted to draw public attention to the fact that she stands to gain a considerable amount of money even if she does donate the full 7 million to charity (my bet is on both), but please don't say it doesn't matter who pays out where and to whom.