Doesn't make up for her fucking shitty personality of a trash can.
You're totally right
@FrançoiseEllyn. She needs a good bitch slap or 10 but those were some of the best impressions I've heard in a long time.
I'm gonna put this out there in case it isn't obvious yet (and I wanna say it before someone else does) but I love Ariana Grande so maybe I'm just being a little forgiving.
But like Justin Bieber she's been in the spotlight for 7 years- a third of her life. And most of the world should be forgiving of them because they're just kids under a microscope. Like dude, I got fucked up after my wisdom teeth removal and just started sobbing because I was so filled with love for my nurses- women I had talked to for maybe 5 minutes before going under. And afterwards when I was high on oxy, I thought everything was funny. Someone definitely could've convinced me that licking donuts would be fucking hilarious (and the video looks like they were playing dares). Even if she wasn't fucked up on painkillers whatever. She's 22. I'm 20 and do stupid as fuck shit all the time (not licking donuts, which yea agreed, weird AF). Most of the time she isn't in the news but when she does something news worthy it's going to get reported. It's unfortunate that she said she hates her fans ONCE, but who doesn't want to just dip out sometimes and say fuck everything and everyone.
She also has done some respectful stuff. She's gone on tirades about feminism, which is pretty cool of her. She dumped Big Sean because he wouldnt stop talking about her pussy (so maybe she's a little dumb for dating a rapper but w/e). And then, after the break up, she called people out for just being like, "Oh Big Seans ex- Ariana" instead of talking about her talent and her work.
I agree she seems like a diva (and I think this about most divas) is that it's because a diva because she's a perfectionist and very type A. Personally I'm all about the divas. Their bad bitches with their shit together who know what they want and how to get it. I think she hides it poorly, but when she was at the pinnacle of being a diva (only take photos from my right side, dont compare me to Mariah Carey) she was what 19? Probably insecure and was trying to be her own individual. When I was younger I HATED people comparing me to other people.
As for her weight. She's no SG skinny, but I love her bony upper body. I don't think she will ever get her thighs down, but it's pretty hard when you're as short as we are. I think this was at her slimmest- from her instagram couple years ago- and I think she looks good for a pop star (pop star pinnacle of skinniness is definitely TSwift tho).