Blake Lively

I avoid posting high school pictures because I would DESPISE it for someone to post mine as they were horrible but these are lovely and she looks really happy.

High School pictures

Source: alloyentertainment

Source: boomsbeat
I am trying to find the website but I remember someone commenting they went to school with her and she is a genuinely nice person and was exactly how she appears in interviews. They also added that despite being school captain and a cheerleader she was actually quite forgettable and no one thought of her as "the hottest one".
Wow! I didn't know she was pregnant! She looks lovely pregnant. Proof that you don't need to look like a whale to give birth.
The thing I keep noticing is her roots! Hello! She's basically brunette, definitely not golden Serena Vanderwoodsen anymore!
The thing I keep noticing is her roots! Hello! She's basically brunette, definitely not golden Serena Vanderwoodsen anymore!
Yeah, I didn't realize she was a natural brunette so her roots are the first thing I see. I get that she's probably not dying her hair due to the pregnancy, but I also can't help being distracted by them.
hmm, thats pretty big for 5 months pregnant (for someone her size). I would guess 6-7 mo but I guess everyone is different! :)
She may be 6-7 months. She hasn't publicly announced anything so everyone is just speculating.
I guess time will tell :) She likely will disappear when the baby is born so no one will know and then she will announce the birth date on her website (free advertising?) a la her pregnancy announcement.
Blake had the baby today! :luvluv:

I hope she gets right into shape afterwards - I'm really sick of hearing celebs whine 3 months post-birth that they "just can't lose it". We need some good role model celebrity moms giving advice on how to get back into shape rather than advice on how to make excuses and deflect responsibility.
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I hope she gets right into shape afterwards - I'm really sick of hearing celebs whine 3 months post-birth that they "just can't lose it". We need some good role model celebrity moms giving advice on how to get back into shape rather than advice on how to make excuses and deflect responsibility.
I think she will! She didn't gain much in the first place. We all thought she was 6 mo pregnant and she was 8-9! I think she will do good:)
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I hope she gets right into shape afterwards - I'm really sick of hearing celebs whine 3 months post-birth that they "just can't lose it". We need some good role model celebrity moms giving advice on how to get back into shape rather than advice on how to make excuses and deflect responsibility.

Me too, but the one thing that's always bugged me is that she's outright said that she doesn't diet or exercise for her body... basically I'm just jealous, but at the same time, hard work makes the reward (of a skinny body) better right?
Me too, but the one thing that's always bugged me is that she's outright said that she doesn't diet or exercise for her body... basically I'm just jealous, but at the same time, hard work makes the reward (of a skinny body) better right?

Maybe she didn't change her eating patterns and exercise patterns. The reason a lot of people gain weight is because they eat more and are more sedentary during pregnancy. If she continued to eat the same amount, she would lose weight due to the fact that some of the energy would be used for the growth and nutrition of the fetus.
'Losing weight is not something I have spent much time focusing on,'

'With a new baby, it's just about eating well for her, because everything I eat goes right into her system [through breastfeeding]. Your body goes through a lot after pregnancy and birth, so small, gentle workouts feel better.'

'I hate the gym. Who doesn't? When I'm in the gym I feel like I am missing out. I would rather rent a bike or go for a hike.'
... insisted that some days she looks in the mirror and still thinks she looks like a 'potato.'

'You think that I would never feel bad about myself?'
Besides her fake boobs she looks amazing! Obviously not the most toned tummy but I after babe I think she looks great
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