Blake Lively

Well, Blake is one not-skinny girl I really like, pre and post pregnancy. There's something magnetic about her, I feel that she could light up a room with her presence.
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Besides her fake boobs she looks amazing! Obviously not the most toned tummy but I after babe I think she looks great

she is not super skinny, but her tummy is absolutely ok - baby or no baby. her boobs though....
i am not too much of a fan of rear side, her booty needs some shaping.
still all in all i think she is absolutely stunning and beautiful, vibrant and glowing. i have a crush on her.
she is not super skinny, but her tummy is absolutely ok - baby or no baby. her boobs though....
i am not too much of a fan of rear side, her booty needs some shaping.
still all in all i think she is absolutely stunning and beautiful, vibrant and glowing. i have a crush on her.
For me is the other way around- I feel that the tummy needs the most work (and slimming)
November 2015

Source: tfs

I am sorry but i just can not help hating her and her lack of talent amd facial diversity. She was a really weak character on GG and in any other films i have seen her.
i am not fond of her body, she is soft and lazy looking. I really dont understand the hipe around her. Ohh and the way she talks. So mannorous and cheap. It is like she has something in her mouth constantly.

Wow..have her hips always been this wide or is it just a really unflattering dress? I must admit I have always liked her face for some reason, so it's kind of sad to see her now.