Emma Roberts

to be fair that first pic was a horrific angle...she doesnt look that different in the second one, maybe 5 lbs. Granted, 5 lbs on a frame like hers goes a long way
Really? To me it looks closer to 8 where the last couple FIGHT to stay on. But like you said, on a small frame it makes a huge difference.
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She doesn't look amazing, but... whatever. Still love her acting. Seriously one of the few actresses I actually vaguely care about/ recognise. I hope she'll never be legitimately fat, that would destroy it, but she has so much going for her, a few kgs one way or the other hardly matter on the grand scale of things. AHS and Scream Queens would not be half as good without her... she is so delightfully twisted and hilarious.
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I don't think she will stay at her heavier weight for long. I never thought she was naturally that skinny - I think she had to work at staying slim, so I don't know what has gone on that she stopped maintaining but I expect she will lose it again soon. She still looks gorgeous, but given how long she was skinny for and that she refused to gain for roles, I doubt she feels comfortable at a heavier weight (skinny appeared her preference). We will just have to wait and see though but I'm confident this won't last long!
Recent pic - has anyone else watched Scream Queens season 2?


one of my favorite shows, almost posted a screen shot of her when she meets Dr John Stamon if you know what I mean :sneaky:
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Recent pic - has anyone else watched Scream Queens season 2?

It's a deeply guilty pleasure of mine. ;)She looks about the same as in S1, but wears a lot of those trademark puffy outfits so all you can see are her shoulders/arms and calves. I think she gets herself in shape when filming.
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Recent pic - has anyone else watched Scream Queens season 2?

Yes--guilty pleasure :) I think they put her in more flattering outfits for the show that just show off her thinnest and boniest parts, and that she loses weight for it. The show pretty much requires her to be, or be perceived as, incredibly small and skinny for all the anorexia/bulimia (moreso in the first season) jokes, and comments about her body being like a piece of plywood/young boy's during sex as opposed to a curvy 'real' woman's...
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Yes--guilty pleasure :) I think they put her in more flattering outfits for the show that just show off her thinnest and boniest parts, and that she loses weight for it. The show pretty much requires her to be, or be perceived as, incredibly small and skinny for all the anorexia/bulimia (moreso in the first season) jokes, and comments about her body being like a piece of plywood/young boy's during sex as opposed to a curvy 'real' woman's...

If I remember correctly it was a 'malnourished, Victorian era paper boy' :lol:

Seriously one of the best satires ever. Everyone and everything gets made a mockery of. AND THE IVANA VS IVANKA was sooooo great. I cannot rave enough about this show, but I am sure some people won't get it.
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Emma definitely fluctuates a lot, but I think it's more a case of weight showing up very quickly/easily on her because she is fairly short and with a very small frame. I've seen her in person recently and she definitely is a thin person, but it would look really really wrong if she wasn't thin, so I don't find it super inspirational. She also has aged a lot in the face lately...Definitely good motivation for me because I can look like her at her low weight and only 5-6 pounds later look way chubbier in the face/stomach, and 5 pounds lower than my typical maintenance weight look really thin. hmmm
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