I've been checking out some episodes of this show on youtube and while I admit its quite entertaining (and addictive
) I do question how useful/safe/healthy it is for the actual participants. First off the 'superskinnies' aren't really
superskinny IMO (only a few times were they really), they just eat very poorly and their calorie counts aren't that low at all. I really doubt though that making them eat gigantic portions with their small stomachs is such a great idea, its like encouraging binge behavior. I know I started binging after a few weeks of this sort of 'forced big meals'. And then conversely, someone who has been regularly consuming 5000 cals a day for years, I mean I assume it wouldn't be the safest thing for them to cut down so drastically, seriously. I know they are all supervised by medical staff and so on, and the whole point of the show is the 'shock treatment' aspect, but still, I find it a tad inhumane is all.