The worst is when they use the excuse "it's all because of my thyroid" or "it's genetics". I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but in the worst cases of hypothyroidism, it still doesn't make you gain more than some 10-15 % of your normal weight. I have hypothyroidism myself, I do know how it feels to gain weight even though you don't eat that much, but you know what? I just take the meds and eat less than I usually would. It's absolutely doable. So when I hear some fatty say how they gained 50 kilograms because of their "thyroid", I just want to smack them. No, you didn't gain so much because of thyroid or genetics, you gained it because you have absolutely no self control and eat shit all day.
Exactly! I have hypo as well... and I've never gained weight before/during/after the diagnosis.