So telling someone they have a pretty face is fat shaming??!
That's a lot of defensive mental leaps going on for someone to find a negative in something like that. I could understand someone being upset about fat shaming if someone had pointed at them and said something incredibly rude, but seeing back handed compliments in every kind word is incredibly exhausting.
Since I hit my mid-thirties, every compliment I have had about my appearance has included either the disclaimer 'for your age' or 'for someone who's had a kid' and it doesn't bother me at all. It's a compliment, and was intended as a compliment so why waste energy trying to get offended? They're probably right in their wording as well
Telling someone who is fat that they have a pretty face is rarely done with the intention of being a bitch, more the opposite and the reason fat people hear that a lot is because people don't find their bodies attractive and to say so would be a lie. /end rant/