Taylor Swift



:lol: :highfive:
Okay so I recently gained a bit of weight for various reasons, and at the moment I kind of have a really similar body to T Swift's and now I'm going to go cry into a Diet Coke :run:
seriously, what is going on with her stage costumes? She has pretty good style in everyday life, but I've literally NEVER seen her wear a stage outfit that is flattering. Pretty much everyone in those last concert pictures looked hideous.

I don't know why, but I felt like they belonged in a Mika video:

Okay so I recently gained a bit of weight for various reasons, and at the moment I kind of have a really similar body to T Swift's and now I'm going to go cry into a Diet Coke :run:

You'll pull an Emma Stone soon enough and half yourself before we know it. ;)

ps. Don't cry into your Diet Coke; its extra sodium you don't need.
pps. Glad to see you back. <3
I do think it's weird how significant a difference there is between her stage costumes and a lot of her red carpet looks. I don't understand how those stage costumes are approved really. Does she not own a mirror? Does she not go, "My thighs are not good, maybe I should camouflage them like I do on the red carpet?" If she does have a stylist for her tour, she should fire him/her.

And then drop twenty pounds.
She's so average and so annoying that I really do not understand why does she even have a thread.


If anything this should be in the takedowns, no?

I mean her thighs just keep expanding more and more like a horizontal stretch armstrong doll of obnoxious blandness.

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