Selena Gomez

Am I the only one who believes that she will lose all that weight and more?

The thing is, she doesn't seem to be the type of girl who cares how she looks like. She eats everything she wants and as so far she's at a healthy weight, she doesn't care. I mean, she can still put on a few lbs and be within a healthy BMI but for sure she'll look "a bit chubby"...
More pics from Sept 14, 2012

She looks disgusting here. When she puts on weight her cheeks bloat up very fast and make her look like a stuffed chipmunk. If she wasn't still Justin Bieber's girlfriend she would get even more stick. She needs to maintain a much lower weight to look good.
It's kind of interesting, because I have the exactly the same body type as her (fat stomach), minus the fat face luckily.
It doesn't seem to bother her though...I don't think there were any bikini pics of Miley when she was fat. I wonder when she'll start dieting.


On a different note, how fucking creepy are these photographers? Grown ass men taking pictures like this of 18 year old girls. I do feel bad for them having to be guarded in every aspect of their private lives. Anyone should be able to sunbath without having to worry about being a perfect fucking lady. /rant
On a different note, how fucking creepy are these photographers? Grown ass men taking pictures like this of 18 year old girls. I do feel bad for them having to be guarded in every aspect of their private lives. Anyone should be able to sunbath without having to worry about being a perfect fucking lady. /rant

I agree. If I were a celebrity with pictures taken of me, I might have been caught in a similar position :oops: while sunbathing because inner thighs are quite a tricky place to get a tan on. If I lie with my legs straight all day long in the sun, I will for sure have a white/paler line on the inner parts of my legs, so...
Man if I looked like that in a bikini I would never leave my room.
Good on her for confidence though!
I hope she bounces back!
OMG! She was always so skinny when I was younger. Well I suppose she's just gotten to the filling out stage of life and has to chose weather to put the effort in or not now:meh:
Man if I looked like that in a bikini I would never leave my room.
I hope she bounces back!

Yeah, when I gain a few, I like to hide away, avoid bikini, wear loose fitted clothes, etc. I wouldn't dare flaunt it (especially if I was a celebrity), because I think that if people see you a bit rounder once, they remember it and don't necessarily think of you as thin anymore. Plus, you cannot use the "naturally skinny" excuse :meh: