Taylor Swift





This is a stunning dress, I really love it. But buy an iron goddamnit and don't sit on the couch in your dress for a few hours before going to the goldenglobes.
I'm guilty, I find her pretty and I love her style, those vintage inspired frocks make me feel all sorts of envy...
Yeah, because that's all it takes to be a model.
I really hate when people write things like this, sorry, especially on this forum, as I feel as though it is sort of disrespectful to the VIP girls.

Not necessarily. Being tall and skinny (and in my opinion pretty from the right angles) is a good description of someone with model potential. Potential doesn't mean that she would definitely be a good model because of those traits so I don't find it disrespectful to any VIPs, who I'm sure have more than just "potential" considering they are already in the business :shy:
At the golden globesssss... she was meh
As usual, her arms are skinny, but she still bores me to death
The dress makes her waist look really tiny from the back :luv:
but the front kind of emphasizes her boobs and stomach :wtf:

I agree the back shot looks lovely and elegant :) Side shot not so great on the tummy :rolleyes:
Oohh... not a huge fan. I think she looked gorgeous from the back, meh from the side, and the front view is really unflattering to her. It's her hips... not everyone can rock trumpet style... and the dress material looks... kind of cheap