Taylor Swift


...just thought I'd share....

:lol: thank you for the surprise lols

As far as the globes dress goes. blah. The neckline is fugly, the colour is pretty fugly, around her stomach and hips from the front and side it looks fugly, the material is fugly, and sorry not sorry even her hair looks pretty fugly. I was so unimpressed with the globes outfits this year. The only one I thought looked genuinely amazing was Kate Hudson. As in, regardless of whether you're fat or thin, you can still look a million times better being a bit chubby with a great dress and hair, compared to a skinny in something really dull or unflattering. I dunno maybe all the stylists are saving some ammo for other events...
Wow I never would have expected that from her...she always appeared to be naturally thin to me..
Based off the shape of her breasts now, I'm 75% sure she got implants.

I was looking at this too. She never had any before and they look really perky and like perfect circles from all directions :hmm:
How is it that her legs look pretty good in pants, but as soon as they are bare they look awful? JFC do some lunges or something then put on hot pants...