Taylor Swift



Taylor Swift is, like, the most majorly confused person, like EVUR

Half the time she dresses like she's fifty and got her cred in the 80s (which, okay, I love a high-wasted skirt myself but not EVERY DAMN DAY); and most of the time she acts/sings like she's in middle - high school

Someone needs to give her a beer, a reminder that she's 23 and a MAN (not the younger boys she keeps on dating). Perhaps then darling will grow up.

Oh, and a grown-up girl minidress and a pair of leather leggings might not hurt either
Taylor Swift is, like, the most majorly confused person, like EVUR

Half the time she dresses like she's fifty and got her cred in the 80s (which, okay, I love a high-wasted skirt myself but not EVERY DAMN DAY); and most of the time she acts/sings like she's in middle - high school

Someone needs to give her a beer, a reminder that she's 23 and a MAN (not the younger boys she keeps on dating). Perhaps then darling will grow up.

Oh, and a grown-up girl minidress and a pair of leather leggings might not hurt either

I f@cking HATE kitten heels!

I can't stand them either! Everytime I see a woman wearing them I think they stole some poor little 7 year old girls shoes on the way to where they were going. Poor little girls :cry: they just look like little kid shoes to me. my daughter has a pair!
Taylor Swift is, like, the most majorly confused person, like EVUR

Half the time she dresses like she's fifty and got her cred in the 80s (which, okay, I love a high-wasted skirt myself but not EVERY DAMN DAY); and most of the time she acts/sings like she's in middle - high school

Someone needs to give her a beer, a reminder that she's 23 and a MAN (not the younger boys she keeps on dating). Perhaps then darling will grow up.

Oh, and a grown-up girl minidress and a pair of leather leggings might not hurt either

So that's how people grow up, by drinking beers and wearing girl minidresses? Wow, inspiring indeed!
No, of course not. It was a JOKE. You know HUMOUR don't you?

So if it was a joke, then why didn't you take my previous post as a joke too ;)? Ah the irony!

You know humor, don't you?
So if it was a joke, then why didn't you take my previous post as a joke too ;)? Ah the irony!

You know humor, don't you?

I WAS actually joking, even though what I was saying obviously had basis in fact (such as the fact that she consistently dates guys who are 2 or so years younger than her), my 'beer and miniskirt' comment was OBVIOUSLY not a psychological evaluation or suggested treatment for her childish behaviour. She's on her own for that.

Your comment, on the other hand, was sarcastic, snarky and bitchy - directed at me. And also not so much funny, so I concur you DON'T know humour.
I WAS actually joking, even though what I was saying obviously had basis in fact (such as the fact that she consistently dates guys who are 2 or so years younger than her), my 'beer and miniskirt' comment was OBVIOUSLY not a psychological evaluation or suggested treatment for her childish behaviour. She's on her own for that.

Your comment, on the other hand, was sarcastic, snarky and bitchy - directed at me. And also not so much funny, so I concur you DON'T know humour.

Hahahaha! True. I confess! My comment was indeed a way to convey that your little joke wasn't as humorous ;)
Hahahaha! True. I confess! My comment was indeed a way to convey that your little joke wasn't as humorous ;)
Touche.. You are entitled to your opinion, I am however not obliged to take it.

At least one other person liked my 'little joke', and while I don't harbour under the disillusion that I am Comedy Central I thought it was witty enough, so that's good enough for me
I watched her interview and that dress kinda gave her a muffin top on the side. Wasn't really a fan of that.
Hahahaha! True. I confess! My comment was indeed a way to convey that your little joke wasn't as humorous ;)

sheath your claws, rookie

@Babydoll-I love her dress too, but I feel like she *just* wore this dress. At the People's Choice Awards, she basically did the same thing. It worked for her both times, but let's get a little variety please!
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