Taylor Swift

Oh but her mad hatter costume is super cute! What did she sing? (not sure if I would know it anyway, but my roomie listens to her nonstop and she's late 20s *roll eyes*)
Oh but her mad hatter costume is super cute! What did she sing? (not sure if I would know it anyway, but my roomie listens to her nonstop and she's late 20s *roll eyes*)

She sang the song "we are never ever ever getting back together"
I don't mind Taylor but that song annoys the shit outta me.
Hahahaha! True. I confess! My comment was indeed a way to convey that your little joke wasn't as humorous ;)

Alright, if you're going to go picking needless fights with members, at least reserve it to the models' threads where all the feisty VIPs lurk.

@aroseofsteel I agree, I feel like they took her "pretty girl" Taylor Swift dress from a month ago and strapped a holster on it because she's supposed to be "edgy girl" Taylor Swift now.
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She sang the song "we are never ever ever getting back together"
I don't mind Taylor but that song annoys the shit outta me.

Yes also me! Makes me want to stab sharp pointy things in my ears to drone out the grating, GRAAATING noise.
ok, I'm going off topic but she really annoys me. I really really want some of the guys she's dated to sing songs about her. There's got to be more to "yeah he was a jerk that's why we're not together. I bet she's at fault for at least half of her failed relationships.
ok, I'm going off topic but she really annoys me. I really really want some of the guys she's dated to sing songs about her. There's got to be more to "yeah he was a jerk that's why we're not together. I bet she's at fault for at least half of her failed relationships.

I've always thought this too. Okay there, Little Miss Perfect, if it's always their fault, how come you're the one with a string of failed revolving door relationships?
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Feb 20, 2013










I've always thought this too. Okay there, Little Miss Perfect, if it's always their fault, how come you're the one with a string of failed revolving door relationships?
Haha I know. And I don't think it matters if someone goes through a lot of different partners in a short amount of time, but to act all victimized because she didn't get along with someone after a while? :rolleyes:

From her attitude towards dating/guys described through her songs/music videos, she seems to have a very 14-year-old-in-her-first-relationship attitude. It's all fairy tales or someone's breaking her heart into pieces. Plus, it’s like she always goes through the same problems in her relationships (her songs all pretty much seem very similar)…
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